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Dossier Uranio Impoverito

Inviato da PeaceLink al Parlamento Europeo
16 gennaio 2001
Carlo Gubitosa e Francesco Iannuzzelli

Tuesday 16 January 2001
Room S 2,1 from 15.00 -16.30

Abraham Béhar
President of the international association"Doctors for the Prevention of Nuclear" (this association gained the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985)

Falco Accame
President of the Association "Victims in the Armed Forces", former President of the Defence Committee of the Italian Chamberof Deputies

Pekka Haavisto
One of the authors of the Report of the "UnitedNations Environment Programme" (UNEP) on the dangers of depleted uraniummunitions (to be confirmed)

Christine Abdelkrim
Journalist, author of the book "A dirty cleanwar"

Carlo Gubitosa
National Secretary of the "PeaceLink" network and responsible for research into depleted uranium in Kosovo

Athanassios Geranios
Professor at the University of AthensDepartment of Nuclear Physics

The goal of this initiative is to contribute to the maximum oftransparency on all the dimensions of this affair. Firstly, the humandimension the consequences for the soldiers and the civil population.
Then, the military dimension the demystification of the "clean war".
Finally, the political dimension the strategy of NATO and the responsibility of European leaders in this matter.

Without waiting, the GUE/NGL Group demands an immediate halt to the useand manufacture of depleted uranium munitions.
It also demands that theSecretary General of Nato at the time of these incriminating events, MrSolana, today high responsible for the common foreign and security policyof the European Union, come to explain himself next week before the European Parliament.

This hearing is open to all MEPS and the press.


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