Vienna 2014: Facciamo vincere la speranza!
Il Premio Nobel per la Pace Desmond Tutu, anche quest'anno ha voluto essere partecipe, con un videomessaggio il cui testo originale è riportato qua.
7 December 2014, Vienna
To my brothers and sisters in the ICAN movement, I extend my warmest greetings from South Africa.
Although I could not be with you in Vienna for this important gathering, rest assured that I am right by your side in this noble effort to free the world from nuclear arms.
Our task, of course, is not an easy one. But nor was ending Apartheid in South Africa.
Through perseverance, conviction and determination, we defeated the forces of injustice and hatred.
We won because we stood on the right side of history; we stood for a just and moral cause.
And you, too, stand on the right side of history.
I am confident that, before long, the voices in favour of total nuclear disarmament will drown out those who say that the world cannot change.
The writing should already be on the wall for the nuclear powers.
A treaty banning nuclear weapons is on its way.
The momentum of this campaign is unstoppable.
You achieved much in Oslo and Nayarit.
This Vienna conference, no doubt, will be another important milestone on the path to a ban.
The vast majority of governments are demanding urgent action.
No longer are the world’s peoples willing to be held hostage to these unspeakable weapons of terror.
My dear friend and comrade the late Nelson Mandela was an outspoken critic of nuclear arms.
He regarded the dismantlement of South Africa’s nuclear arsenal as a necessary part of our transition from a pariah state to an accepted member of the family of nations.
He implored all other nuclear powers to disarm as well.
In his honour, and for the sake of humanity, let us all intensify our efforts to bring the era of nuclear weapons to an end.
We can – and must – succeed.
I wish you well over the coming days as you work hard to strengthen the international resolve to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons.
I was delighted to learn that your next major gathering may well be here in South Africa!
That would be most fitting, indeed.
We will, of course, welcome you with open arms.
These arms with which we embrace each other are the only arms we need!
Dear friends, I very much hope that next year will mark the beginning of negotiations for a ban.
What better way to honour the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 70th anniversary year of the atomic bombings.
Only by eliminating nuclear weapons can we ensure that no one else ever suffers as they did.
That must be our driving motivation.
Together, let us seize this historic opportunity!
8-9 dicembre 2014 - La pagina dal Ministero degli Esteri austriaco:
Goodbyenukes: La pagina dei video su Youtube:
Media Advisory - ICAN
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