PeaceLink English

The self-determination of peoples must be a peaceful and civil choice

For peace in Ukraine a referendum under UN supervision is needed

We translate from the mailing list three brief pieces of information about Ukraine. There, a senseless and cruel war is being fought that could be avoided by resorting to diplomacy and tools for expressing popular will.
8 April 2023
PeaceLink editorial staff

A referendum under UN supervision Ukraine war

Both sides say that those territories are theirs because, respectively, Ukrainian or Russian are the populations that inhabit them. Then a ground for negotiation could be the proposal of a suspension of hostilities and the calling, in a time that allows the fury of war to subside, of a referendum under UN guarantee, adequately articulated and with wise and appropriate local alternative solutions: you say you are fighting for the freedom of your populations, so let's see what these populations think. Of course, international law on state borders would be skipped, but in the United Nations Charter there is also the principle of self-determination of peoples.

Mario Barcellona

A clash between the USA and Russia/China

NATO has shamefully submitted to the imperial will of the USA. It seems that it has learned nothing from the two wars of the 20th century in Europe that claimed 100 million victims.

It is now known that behind the war taking place in Ukraine, there is a clash between the USA and Russia/China for control of the world's geopolitical dominance. So far, a unipolar world with complete US dominance has prevailed.

Here are the elements that could generate a third world war that would be terminal. Pope Francis, with his clear intuition, has repeatedly said that we are already in a 'third world war in pieces'. For this reason, he states with an almost desperate tone (but always personally hopeful) that 'we are all in the same boat; either we all save ourselves or no one is saved' (Fratelli tutti n.32). It is reason turned irrational and insane. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has often repeated: 'the only alternative is cooperation by all or collective suicide.

Leonardo Boff

Theologian, philosopher, writer

Ukrainian children

The United Nations Human Rights Council has asked Russia to provide access and information on Ukrainian children and other civilians forcibly transferred to the territory under its control.

The UN's highest body for rights has approved a resolution - with 28 yes, 17 abstentions, and two no (China and Eritrea) - calling on Moscow to 'cease the illegal forced transfer and deportation of civilians and other persons within Ukraine or to the Russian Federation, particularly children, including those from reception centers, unaccompanied and separated minors.

Notes: PeaceLink is an Italian eco-pacifist network founded in 1991. Its goal is to provide transparent information about wars and nonviolent initiatives.

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