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Book by Celeste Fortunato (Taranto, Italy)

At the Dawn of Spring: Story of an Oncological Adventure

Celeste is engaged in defending the rights of her city, Taranto. Even after discovering that she is suffering from a serious form of leukemia, she continues to fight and writes this book, a testimony of love for life and for the future of her territory.
11 May 2023
PeaceLink staff

"At the Dawn of Spring - Story of an Oncological Adventure" Celeste Fortunato

Book by Celeste Fortunato (Taranto, Italy)

Celeste is engaged in defending the rights of her city, Taranto. Even after discovering that she is suffering from a serious form of leukemia, she continues to fight and writes this book, a testimony of love for life and for the future of her territory. The book benefits from the preface of the former General Director and founder of the Complex Hematology Structure of the S.G. Moscati Hospital in Taranto, Dr. Patrizio Mazza, and the afterword of Professor Alessandro Marescotti, President of the PeaceLink Association.

"At the Dawn of Spring" is morally supported by the Italian Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma AIL Taranto ODV, the Provincial Association of the Italian League for the Fight against Cancer LILT Taranto, the Puglia Bone Marrow Donor Association ODV, the Italian Blood Volunteers Association AVIS Comunale Taranto, the blood donors group FRATRES of the Municipality of Maruggio (Taranto), and the oncology patient association of the San Pio Hospital in Castellaneta ECHÈO ODV of Palagiano (Taranto).

For more information:

Celeste Fortunato
e-mail: Taranto and ILVA steel plant


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