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The peace march will take place on May 21st starting from the Italian city of Perugia.

Peace and Brotherhood March Perugia-Assisi

A great initiative by the Italian pacifist movement and schools for peace. Tens of thousands of students will be offered the opportunity to reflect on the future and begin to feel like authors of a new work: to change the looming future, make it more humane, peaceful, fair, and possible for everyone
12 May 2023
PeaceLink staff

Peace and Brotherhood March Perugia-Assisi

The march will be preceded by the "civic week" for schools, for students and teachers Perugia-Assisi. A great initiative by the Italian pacifist movement and schools for peace.

From May 15th to 21st, 2023, the third "Civic Week" will take place, an original initiative dedicated to the enhancement and promotion of civic education for young generations.

At the center of Civic Week is the commitment of schools and the community to increase awareness of not only being residents but citizens belonging to a people with values, rights, and responsibilities.

Hundreds of activities During Civic Week, organized on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Italian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and 100 years after the birth of Don Milani, hundreds of activities will take place in over one hundred schools from all Italian regions.

The week will conclude with the national meeting of peace schools "In the footsteps of Francis" and a special edition of the Perugia-Assisi March for peace and brotherhood, which on Sunday, May 21st, will see the protagonism of thousands of students, teachers, and school administrators from all over Italy.

The week is organized under the motto "Let's transform the future" and will mark the start of the grassroots preparation for the "Summit of the Future" which will bring together world leaders at the United Nations in 2024 and during which a "Pact for the Future" will be adopted. It will be the opening of an immense project, the project of projects: the future project. Tens of thousands of students will be offered the opportunity to reflect on the future and begin to feel like authors of a new work: to change the looming future, make it more humane, peaceful, fair, and possible for everyone.

Promoting Committee Perugia Assisi March Mobile: 3356590356 - Phone: 0755736890 Fax: 0755739337 - Email:

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