PeaceLink English

Italy celebrates Republic Day on June 2nd

The Parade of Educators

Military parades, which were not traditionally organized to commemorate June 2nd, 1946, are making a comeback in Italy fueled by a militaristic spirit that is not shared by everyone. Italian pacifist organizations contest this way of celebrating the Republic Day.
2 June 2023
PeaceLink Staff

Italy celebrates Republic Day on June 2nd. Military parades, which were not traditionally organized to commemorate June 2nd, 1946, are making a comeback in Italy fueled by a militaristic spirit that is not shared by everyone. There is a military parade taking place in Rome today. However, Italian pacifist organizations contest this way of celebrating the Republic Day. This is an article by Tonio Dell'Olio, published on the website of "Mosaico di Pace", the magazine of the pacifist association Pax Christi. Italy celebrates Republic Day on June 2nd

What if, instead of the military, it were teachers and educators marching in a parade on June 2nd?

The Parade of Educators

Tonio Dell'Olio

What if, instead of the military, it were teachers and educators marching in a parade on June 2nd? I wonder this every year: "Why should the celebration of Republic Day be carried out by the military and weapons?" Don Lorenzo Milani

The Italian Republic is founded on labor, as stated in the early sentiments of the Constitution. And if it is founded on labor, why do soldiers march? It should be workers of all kinds representing it!

It would be even truer and more beautiful, especially in the centenary year of the birth of Don Milani, if all those entrusted with the seed of the future called education were to march. That underpaid and underestimated teaching profession, which is entrusted with the children of this country and risks being lynched at every cough that doesn't go in the direction desired by the parents. Of course, it's true that, like in any profession, there are educators who undermine, are inconsistent, ignorant... but some of them live that role with passion and dedication, giving it their all every day. Teacher

And some of those who don't read, don't study, don't prepare, don't show any interest... maybe they should be encouraged to feel that citizens believe in them.

Yes, a parade of educators would also give reason to that mixed feeling of nostalgia and gratitude we have towards that teacher who, along with history, geography, mathematics, and physical education, imparted life to us

Notes: Utilizzato GPT3

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