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Questions to Artificial Intelligence about the costs and benefits of continuing the war

Are we supporting the war to defend populations and save human lives?

I asked the software two questions. The first: “Is the future of war expected to be more or less bloody?” The second: “Will the counteroffensive provide greater security for civilians?”
4 June 2023
PeaceLink Staff

Below is a summary of an article by Alessandro Marescotti, president of PeaceLink, on the announced counteroffensive in Ukraine. Both ethical (the “just war”) and pragmatic (costs/benefits of war) issues are raised. Bakhmut

The article is from a writing workshop and discusses questions posed to an Artificial Intelligence about the costs and benefits of continuing the war. The first question asked was: “Is the future of war expected to be more or less bloody?” The second question was: “Will the counteroffensive provide greater security for civilians?”

The article goes on to discuss whether the war is being supported to defend populations and save human lives. It also mentions a response from Bing’s Artificial Intelligence that it could not find specific information regarding predictions about the future of the war in Ukraine. The situation is complex and constantly evolving, and it is not possible to predict with certainty whether the conflict will become more or less bloody than in the past.

The article also poses another question: “Will the counteroffensive provide greater security for civilians?” The response from Bing’s Artificial Intelligence was that it could not find specific information regarding the impact of the Ukrainian counteroffensive on the security of civilian populations. Military operations can pose risks to civilian populations and can have long-term repercussions on security and stability in the region.

The article concludes by questioning whether new weapons will serve to defend populations and save human lives, and where the ethics of a “just war” have gone. It also mentions a statement by Zelensky in the Wall Street Journal that an offensive is ready but many soldiers will die.

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