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She was a notable figure in the history of Taranto, a city located in southern Italy

Hilde Angelini

During World War II, she established the cell of the German Communist Party among the dockworkers in Hamburg, defying the Gestapo and clandestinely providing forged passports to German partisans. Hilde was actively involved in the UDI (Union of Italian Women).

Hilde Angelini (1909-2002) was a notable figure in the social and political history of Taranto, a city located in southern Italy, in the region of Puglia. Originally from Austria, Hilde was widely known in Taranto as the wife and later widow of Honorable Ludovico Angelini, a prominent member of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) in Taranto. Ludovico, affectionately referred to as "'u dottore" or "'u prufessore," was not only a respected politician but also a pediatrician who often provided free medical care to families in need.

Hilde was actively involved in the UDI (Union of Italian Women) and maintained close friendships with influential individuals such as Adele Cifarelli, Giovanni Battafarano, Roberto Traversa, Giuseppe Cannata, and others.

She was particularly well-known in the Tamburi area of Taranto, where she dedicated herself to supporting underprivileged families. However, Hilde's contributions extended far beyond her role as a devoted wife and a philanthropist. During World War II, she established the cell of the German Communist Party among the dockworkers in Hamburg, defying the Gestapo and clandestinely providing forged passports to German partisans.

Following the war, Hilde worked as a biochemist in Geneva and Rome, where she had the opportunity to collaborate with Nobel laureate Daniele Bovet. It was in Rome, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, that she crossed paths with her future husband, Honorable Ludovico Angelini.

Hilde Angelini devoted a significant portion of her life to the fight for social and civil rights. Her legacy of solidarity and political activism continues to serve as an example for the community of Taranto and beyond. Her name is deeply intertwined with the city's history and the struggle for social justice. Hilde Angelini

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