PeaceLink English

Celeste fought to protect children from serious illnesses in the Tamburi neighborhood.

"Never give up, always fight"

Today, the funeral of Celeste Fortunato, an environmental activist from Taranto and a mother, was held. She died yesterday, succumbing to leukemia. These were her last words written for us and read at the end of the mass.
26 July 2023
PeaceLink staff

Today, the funeral of Celeste Fortunato, an environmental activist from Taranto and a mother, was held. She fought to protect children from serious illnesses in the Tamburi neighborhood. She died yesterday, succumbing to leukemia. These were her last words written for us and read at the end of the mass. Taranto is one of the most polluted cities in Italy and houses the largest industrial complex where the steel plant ILVA occupies a vast area.

ILVA Taranto

"Never give up, always fight. Stand up for what is right, even when all seems lost. Love each other. Love is the most important, indispensable, fundamental thing, the foundation of my life. If you have loved, you have truly lived. And nothing will scare you. I love you all. Protect my son, the most beautiful thing I have done in my life. Be there for my love, Enzo. For my mother, my dear father, my extraordinary sister, my world. Thank you for all the beauty you have given me, making me happy".


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