PeaceLink English

We have just written to the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella

The Ukrainian pacifist leader Yurii Sheliazhenko is being persecuted for his nonviolent activities

Tomorrow, on August 8th, he will undergo an interrogation in Kiev, which could lead to a risk of detention. Yurii Sheliazhenko is a Gandhian activist who believes in nonviolence and is a scholar who has extensively studied this topic.
7 August 2023
Alessandro Marescotti (President of PeaceLink)

Dear President Sergio Mattarella,

I address you with deep respect to request your intervention in defense of a Ukrainian pacifist, Yurii Sheliazhenko, the secretary of the Ukrainian Peace Movement, who is facing concerning violations of his human rights due to his struggle for peace.

Tomorrow, on August 8th, he will undergo an interrogation in Kiev, which could lead to a risk of detention. Yurii Sheliazhenko is a Gandhian activist who believes in nonviolence and is a scholar who has extensively studied this topic.

Yurii Sheliazhenko is a supporter of peace in Ukraine and the world, promoting dialogue and nonviolence as means to resolve conflicts. His dedication to peace and tolerance is of paramount importance, especially during a period when his country is facing a severe crisis due to an armed conflict. Yurii Sheliazhenko has unequivocally condemned the Russian invasion.

He has highlighted how hatred and animosity often distort the perception of reality, leading some people to consider those who seek peace and dialogue as enemies. His words underscore the courage and strength of a voice that seeks to end violence and promote mutual respect. Yurii Sheliazhenko

Regrettably, Yurii Sheliazhenko has been subjected to persecution by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), including an illegal search of his apartment and the seizure of his computer and smartphone. This situation is hindering his valuable work as a human rights defender and peace activist.

I respectfully request that you, as the President of the Italian Republic and the guardian of human rights enshrined in our Constitution, intervene with the Ukrainian authorities to immediately cease the persecution of Yurii Sheliazhenko. He is a pacifist who is striving to promote dialogue and peace. The protection of human rights and voices for peace is crucial to ending the war.

Furthermore, I ask you to consider sending a message of solidarity and support to Yurii Sheliazhenko, to make him feel encouraged and upheld in his vital mission. Your moral support will have a positive impact and encourage those, like him, who are striving to build a better world through peace and nonviolence.

Thank you for the attention you dedicate to this delicate matter. I am confident that your intervention will help uphold the human rights and freedom of expression of Yurii Sheliazhenko, thereby contributing to strengthening those working for lasting peace in Ukraine.

Alessandro Marescotti President of PeaceLink

August 7, 2023 Perugia-Assisi. A great initiative by the Italian pacifist movement and schools for peace.

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