Pacifists from around the world, unite!
The war in Ukraine is a conflict that has shaken the foundations of our humanity.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, Mark Milley, has stated: "I have never seen combat like that in Ukraine. I have been part of many firefights. I've been blown up several times, on vehicles, mines, improvised explosive devices. But I have never seen this level of intensity."
The words of General Mark Milley, a man with 43 years of military service and numerous combat experiences, thrust us into a world of suffering and destruction that is difficult to fathom. His admission of being surprised by the severity of the fighting between Ukrainians and Russians sheds an even more dramatic light on the ongoing tragedy.
Since the beginning of this conflict, the Pentagon has operated a top-secret command center to constantly monitor the situation, and General Milley is well aware of what he has stated. This center collects video and information from the battlefields 24 hours a day, revealing a dark and harrowing picture of a nation ravaged by violence. General Milley's testimony, a man who has faced many challenges during his career but declared himself shocked by the intensity of the fighting in Ukraine, prompts us to deeply reflect on the brutality of this war.
Ukraine has become the stage for a conflict that has caused countless human sufferings. Innocent civilians have been hit, forced to flee their homes.
Families have been torn apart, communities have been destroyed, and the social fabric has been torn apart.
To this unacceptable scenario has been added that of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which has taken on the characteristics of a fight to the last drop of blood.
This war knows no winners, and we all lose when war triumphs over diplomacy and peace negotiations.
General Milley's words should serve as a reminder that war is an unimaginable agony, and no nation should ever experience it.
Every life is precious, and every human being deserves peace and security. The international community must come together to find a diplomatic solution to this conflict and put an end to this senseless slaughter. Dialogue and negotiation must be at the center of every effort to end this war.
The world has seen enough suffering, enough destruction. It is time to end this war and work together to create a world where peace is the norm, not the exception. We must learn from the mistakes of the past and commit to building a better future for all. Peace is possible, but we must seek it with determination and wisdom.
We are all responsible for building a better future for the generations to come, and peace is the fundamental first step toward this goal.
The unity of all peace movements is crucial in calling for an end to the fighting.
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