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It is everyone's responsibility to take a stand and demand reasonableness

Call to pacifists for mobilization against new euromissiles

With this appeal we launch a worried alarm because the choice to return to deploying long-banned euromissiles is of absolute gravity. Public opinion has not sufficiently perceived the danger that looms. Let's make our voices heard before the new euromissiles are installed.
5 August 2024
Domenico Gallo, Fiorella Mannoia, Alessandro Marescotti, mons. Giovanni Ricchiuti, Carlo Rovelli, Alex Zanotelli

The risk of nuclear war is serious and is rapidly increasing. It is necessary for the most enlightened voices to rise up to stop an approaching catastrophe. Mobilization against new euromissiles

In the 1980s, aware of the gravity of this risk, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, also under European pressure,signed a series of agreements between the USA and the Soviet Union to contain the risk. Crucial was the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, the most risky for Europe, because it allowed a nuclear exchange without the total mutual destruction of the superpowers. The treaty led to the elimination of 2692 missiles and a substantial reduction in risk and international tensions.

This treaty was annulled, initially by the United States in 2018, and today White House has decided to deploy in Germany missiles that were prohibited by the INF treaty. The great powers are playing with fire (nuclear) on the skin of we Europeans.

The decision contributes to a sharp increase in international tensions, which are already very high, and to bring the risk of a catastrophe recklessly closer. As always, on both sides, the blame is placed entirely on the other side. Our governments, instead of working to solve the world's problems in a reasonable and consensual manner, are throwing us into the same bellicose adventurism that led to the most catastrophic wars in the past.

With this appeal we launch a worried alarm because the choice to return to deploying long-banned euromissiles is of absolute gravity. Public opinion has not sufficiently perceived the danger that looms. With the new hypersonic missiles the situation can get out of hand even for a simple mistake and nuclear retaliation decisions are made in a matter of seconds.

The use of atomic weapons is immoral as well as possession, because an accident or the madness of some ruler can destroy humanity, as Pope Francis points out, inviting us to reflect on the words of Albert Einstein: "The fourth world war will be fought with sticks and stones."

Today the risk of a nuclear war is getting closer and closer with NATO's decision to redeploy euromissiles by 2026. We are at the beginning of an escalation as Russia will act accordingly.

It is everyone's responsibility to take a stand and demand reasonableness. Let's make our voices heard before the new euromissiles are installed.

Domenico Gallo - jurist

Fiorella Mannoia - singer

Alessandro Marescotti - media activist

Mons. Giovanni Ricchiuti - archbishop

Carlo Rovelli - physicist

Alex Zanotelli - missionary

Notes: Note: anyone interested in publicly adhering to and promoting the appeal through their own channels should write to this email:

Alessandro Marescotti

Please indicate your name, surname, municipality,activity carried out and/or reference association. Please also indicate how you intend to promote this appeal.

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