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The Italian Pacifist Bulletin

Peace mobilization in Italy today

Today, October 26, peace demonstrations are taking place throughout Italy. Peace is under attack. Last night, there was an Israeli attack on Iran.
26 October 2024
PeaceLink staff

Peace Under Attack: Escalation Between Israel and Iran, Call for Global Ceasefire in Conflicts Let's stop the wars!

Turin, Milan, Florence, Rome, Bari, Palermo, Cagliari – October 26, 2024

On the night between Friday, October 25, and Saturday, October 26, an Israeli attack struck Iran in response to Iran’s missile launch on October 1. This Iranian action was itself a reaction to the killing of prominent leaders of the “Axis of Resistance,” including Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran on July 31. This cycle of actions and reactions confirms a dangerous and unsustainable escalation, lacking legitimacy in international law and straying from principles of proportionality, necessity, and urgency. The logic of revenge and retaliation stands in stark contrast to the principles established in the UN Charter. It does not fit within the right to self-defense and instead borders on abuse of this right. Today, it is essential to halt this spiral, which, rooted in a primordial sense of revenge, must be challenged and replaced by the right to peace.

In response to escalating violence in the Middle East and tensions worldwide, the Italian peace movement will take to the streets in cities across the country. Marches and demonstrations will be held in Turin, Milan, Florence, Rome, Bari, Palermo, and Cagliari, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the Middle East, Ukraine, and all global conflicts. This National Day of Peace Mobilization is organized and supported by five leading networks: Europe for Peace, Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo, Fondazione PerugiAssisi per la Cultura della Pace, AssisiPaceGiusta, and Sbilanciamoci, along with many other associations committed to peace, disarmament, and human rights.

PeaceLink will be at the forefront, ensuring global coverage of the events, collecting and sharing real-time updates, images, and videos. For those wishing to contribute, materials can be sent to the editorial office through the following channels:

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