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A life dedicated to social justice: Adele Corradi and the legacy of don Lorenzo Milani

The School of Barbiana, founded by don Lorenzo Milani, was a radical experiment in education that challenged traditional teaching methods and promoted critical thinking and social awareness. Corradi's arrival at Barbiana in the 1960s marked a turning point in the school's history.
25 November 2024
PeaceLink staff


Adele Corradi, a pivotal figure in the history of Italian education and social justice, passed away on November 23, 2024. Her profound influence on the lives of countless young people, particularly through her work at the iconic School of Barbiana, has left an enduring legacy. This article will explore Corradi's life and contributions, highlighting her role in shaping the educational philosophy of Don Lorenzo Milani and her unwavering commitment to social equality.

The School of Barbiana and its impact

The School of Barbiana (Tuscany, Italy), founded by Don Lorenzo Milani in the small Tuscan village, was a radical experiment in education that challenged traditional teaching methods and promoted critical thinking and social awareness. Corradi's arrival at Barbiana in the 1960s marked a turning point in the school's history. She brought with her a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to progressive education, complementing Milani's vision.

Together, they created a learning environment where students were encouraged to question authority, develop their own ideas, and become active citizens. The school's emphasis on social justice and the importance of education as a tool for empowerment resonated with young people across Italy and beyond.

Corradi's Role and contributions

As a teacher at Barbiana, Corradi played a crucial role in implementing Milani's educational philosophy. She worked closely with the students, helping them to develop their writing skills and to understand the complexities of the world around them. Her contributions to the collective writing of Letter to a Teacher, the school's most famous publication, were invaluable.

Corradi's commitment to social justice extended far beyond the classroom. She was a tireless advocate for the rights of marginalized communities and worked to promote equality and opportunity for all. Her life and work exemplify the power of education to transform individuals and society.

The enduring legacy of Barbiana and Corradi

The School of Barbiana and the work of Don Lorenzo Milani and Adele Corradi continue to inspire educators and activists around the world. Their emphasis on critical thinking, social justice, and the importance of education as a tool for empowerment remains as relevant today as ever. Barbiana

Corradi's death is a loss to the global community of educators and social justice advocates. However, her legacy lives on through the countless individuals whose lives she touched and the ongoing work of those who are committed to carrying forward the ideals of the School of Barbiana.

Adele Corradi's life was dedicated to the pursuit of justice and equality. Her work at the School of Barbiana left an indelible mark on the lives of countless young people. As we remember her life and contributions, let us recommit ourselves to the ideals of social justice and educational equity that she championed.

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