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Peace and Nonviolence

33 Articles - page 1 2 3 4
  • Are we supporting the war to defend populations and save human lives?
    Questions to Artificial Intelligence about the costs and benefits of continuing the war

    Are we supporting the war to defend populations and save human lives?

    I asked the software two questions. The first: “Is the future of war expected to be more or less bloody?” The second: “Will the counteroffensive provide greater security for civilians?”
    4 June 2023 - PeaceLink Staff
  • "Disparagement of the armed forces". This is one of the charges against seven Italian pacifists
    This is happening in Italy with the new right-wing-led government

    "Disparagement of the armed forces". This is one of the charges against seven Italian pacifists

    Banners were displayed during the ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the Italian Air Force, and seven peace activists have been reported. PeaceLink expresses solidarity with the Italian pacifists facing accusations. Here is the video of the nonviolent action
    30 May 2023 - Alessandro Marescotti
  • Italy, Brescia massacre: "The new investigation leads to the NATO command in Verona"
    The bomb exploded in Piazza della Loggia on May 28, 1974.

    Italy, Brescia massacre: "The new investigation leads to the NATO command in Verona"

    Italian President Mattarella stated today: "It was right-wing subversion. Memory is the root of the future." However, Mattarella did not add that the new investigation into the massacre, to use the words of Repubblica, "leads to where no one could have imagined, the NATO command in Verona"
    28 May 2023 - Alessandro Marescotti
  • Peace and Brotherhood March Perugia-Assisi
    The peace march will take place on May 21st starting from the Italian city of Perugia.

    Peace and Brotherhood March Perugia-Assisi

    A great initiative by the Italian pacifist movement and schools for peace. Tens of thousands of students will be offered the opportunity to reflect on the future and begin to feel like authors of a new work: to change the looming future, make it more humane, peaceful, fair, and possible for everyone
    12 May 2023 - PeaceLink staff
  • The provision of weapons to Ukraine has been a failure
    It calls for the ultimate sacrifice of thousands of reluctant Ukrainian youth

    The provision of weapons to Ukraine has been a failure

    Instead of reducing the victims, it has increased them to such an extent that today it is officially forbidden by the authorities to provide data. The rhetoric of the aggressor and the aggressed is falling apart. We are facing the logic of feud, not defensive war.
    11 May 2023 - Alessandro Marescotti
  • "I have always been in favor of nonviolence"
    The participation of Monsignor Bettazzi moved Michele Santoro, Italian television host

    "I have always been in favor of nonviolence"

    In his speech, Monsignor Luigi Bettazzi took a stance in favor of nonviolence. "I have always been in favor of nonviolence", he said to the crowd who applauded him. Monsignor Luigi Bettazzi, former Bishop of Ivrea, participated in the "Relay for Humanity" peace march on May 7th, 2023
    8 May 2023 - PeaceLink staff
  • Julian Assange persecution: “the most dangerous threat to press freedom today”

    Julian Assange persecution: “the most dangerous threat to press freedom today”

    Media organisations across the globe are marking World Press Freedom Day with a re-energised push for the release of award-winning Australian publisher Julian Assange.
    3 May 2023 - Jodie Harrison
  • Julian Assange, the elephant in the room at this year's Journalism Festival in Perugia
    Out today in Italian: Nils Melzer's exposé of "The Trial of Julian Assange"

    Julian Assange, the elephant in the room at this year's Journalism Festival in Perugia

    The Australian journalist/editor is missing from the official program but activists will be distributing a pamphlet showing why his case touches everyone working in the media. They will also be handing out a flyer on the new Melzer book.
    19 April 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • A petition drive for the release of Julian Assange has begun among members of Congress
    Launched by a U.S. Congresswoman of Palestinian origin

    A petition drive for the release of Julian Assange has begun among members of Congress

    Action4Assange activists supporting Rep. Tlaib's petition initiative will storm Capitol Hill in Washington DC this Tuesday -- not in the manner of Trump supporters two years ago, but peacefully and diplomatically. Sit-ins of support April 11th in Rome and in Genoa as well.
    9 April 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • For peace in Ukraine a referendum under UN supervision is needed
    The self-determination of peoples must be a peaceful and civil choice

    For peace in Ukraine a referendum under UN supervision is needed

    We translate from the mailing list three brief pieces of information about Ukraine. There, a senseless and cruel war is being fought that could be avoided by resorting to diplomacy and tools for expressing popular will.
    8 April 2023 - PeaceLink editorial staff
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