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Peace and Nonviolence

33 Articles - page 1 2 3 4
  • Bakhmut is one of the most foolish battles in military history
    Has it fallen? Does it still resist?

    Bakhmut is one of the most foolish battles in military history

    The ones dying are young and inexperienced soldiers, sent to their deaths (with our weapons) in the prime of their lives, employed in suicidal operations to demonstrate that Ukraine does not give up. The valid core of the Ukrainian army has already withdrawn.
    8 April 2023 - Alessandro Marescotti
  • Roger Waters welcomed to Italy for his farewell tour
    At the Mediolanum Forum in Assago (Milan, Italy)

    Roger Waters welcomed to Italy for his farewell tour

    A determined group of Julian Assange activists roll out the welcome mat in response to German ostracism of the ex Pink Floyd frontman.
    26 March 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • Dear journalists: you, too, are in the crosshairs.  Along with your readers.
    Julian Assange's partner warns media representatives in Italy and in every country

    Dear journalists: you, too, are in the crosshairs. Along with your readers.

    Stella Moris Assange sounds the alarm for all those who practice journalism with a conscience. As well as for all those who rely on them to stay informed. The Powers-that-be want to blindfold and gag not only Julian Assange but also Free Speech and our very #RightToKnow.
    10 March 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • Stella Assange: "You students –  and the millions supporting Julian – are making a difference."
    At the Faculty of Political Science at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

    Stella Assange: "You students – and the millions supporting Julian – are making a difference."

    Speaking before MEP Sabrina Pignedoli, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti, Prof. Alessandro Guerra, journalist Riccardo Iacona and a packed hall of students, Julian Assange's partner praised initiatives around the world on behalf of the co-founder of WikiLeaks.
    7 March 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • A U.S. rally calls for peace in Ukraine by halting NATO expansion
    The Pentagon’s long hand behind events in Ukraine?

    A U.S. rally calls for peace in Ukraine by halting NATO expansion

    Today, an impressive march for peace, starting in Times Square and ending with a packed rally at the nearby People’s Forum, called for ending NATO intervention in Ukraine as the key to stopping hostilities there. The slogan for the event says it all:
    15 January 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • "My one and only New Year's Resolution":   
Letter from an ex-pacifist (now no longer "ex")
    How to fight against war disinformation? Julian Assange shows a way

    "My one and only New Year's Resolution": Letter from an ex-pacifist (now no longer "ex")

    January 1st of each year is the time for formulating resolutions to keep or break (usually the latter) during the 365 days ahead. So Martina, an ex-pacifist who now is no longer “ex”, has decided to make only one resolution for 2023. “That way,” she says, “I’m sure to keep it.”
    8 January 2023 - Patrick Boylan
  • Are the US and the UK authoritarian regimes?  Julian Assange's supporters think so
    Saving Assange is saving freedom of the press

    Are the US and the UK authoritarian regimes? Julian Assange's supporters think so

    A young Italian woman is the latest “street installation” activist to protest the media's silence regarding the inhumane treatment of Julian Assange by the UK and the U.S. Her installation in a square in Como lambastes the two self-styled democracies for acting exactly like authoritarian regimes.
    15 August 2022 - Patrick Boylan
  • The Assange case erupts today at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia
    It’s not just the freedom of one man at stake, but our very freedom of speech.

    The Assange case erupts today at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia

    From the stage Stella Morris, Julian Assange's wife, and the investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi will urge the journalists present to defend the founder of Wikileaks. While outside the hall, a group of FREE ASSANGE Italia activists will tell journalists that their freedom is also at stake.
    9 April 2022 - Patrick Boylan
  • The debacle in Afghanistan shows we should have listened to, not criminalized, Julian Assange
    Don’t shoot the messenger

    The debacle in Afghanistan shows we should have listened to, not criminalized, Julian Assange

    The founder of Wikileaks informed us long ago, with documentary proof, that US/NATO troops in Afghanistan were not winning the hearts and minds of the people; instead, they were making themselves hated. But the message went unheard and now the messenger is in prison awaiting judgment.
    22 August 2021 - Patrick Boylan
  • The crisis in Venezuela: one-sided reporting as a prelude to invasion?
    Press release from the NoWar Network - Rome

    The crisis in Venezuela: one-sided reporting as a prelude to invasion?

    3 August 2017 - Patrick Boylan
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