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Peace and Nonviolence

33 Articles - page 1 ... 3 4
  • ROME RESISTS: May 23rd, 19:30, in Piazza Bologna, Rome
    #UnitedWeStand against the Donald Trump agenda

    ROME RESISTS: May 23rd, 19:30, in Piazza Bologna, Rome

    Protesters against Donald Trump's policies -- from immigration bans to reckless war escalation -- will meet on May 23rd at 7:30pm (19:30) in Piazza Bologna, Rome, during Trump's visit to the Capital. Organized by American expats in Rome, the event -- strictly demonstrative and non violent -- welcomes Italian like-minded participants as well.
    18 May 2017 - Patrick Boylan
  • 12 marzo contro la guerra: ora c'è un sito per far condividere le iniziative
    Macché autunno caldo! Arriva una primavera caliente di lotte per la pace

    12 marzo contro la guerra: ora c'è un sito per far condividere le iniziative

    Decolla la proposta di una giornata di mini-manifestazioni in tanti comuni d'Italia – iniziative spontanee e fai-da-te – per sensibilizzare la popolazione ai pericoli di un nuovo intervento militare italiano in Libia. Si vuole così preparare il terreno per la riuscita del grande incontro nazionale contro la guerra che Alex Zanotelli convocherà, non appena otterrà le adesioni delle varie associazioni pacifiste italiane.
    24 February 2016 - Patrick Boylan
  • Is there still hope for peace in Ukraine?

    The Ukrainian government, like Israel in Gaza, relentlessly goes on bombing residential areas in the eastern regions “to kill the terrorists hiding out there” (but also the civilians living there). The separatists, called “terrorists”, are in a siege; to break it, they have launched a bloody counteroffensive to the South, with civilian casualties there, too. Tension has spiked with rumors (later debunked) of a full-scale Russian invasion underway. And yet, in spite of it all, a glimmer of hope for peace has finally appeared. Or is it just an illusion?
    4 September 2014 - Patrick Boylan
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