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2 Articles
  • Big Tech seeks to consolidate its hold on journalism
    On the sidelines of the acclaimed Perugia festival

    Big Tech seeks to consolidate its hold on journalism

    "Can Journalism Survive AI?" was the provocative title of one of the key presentations at the recent International Journalism Festival in Perugia (#ijf24, April 17-21). Young activists from a local social center, "Turba", say no, it cannot.
    2 May 2024 - Patrick Boylan
  • What can we learn from the failure of the Alinari company?
    Historical memory

    What can we learn from the failure of the Alinari company?

    The Alinari Archives is one of the most important photographic archives in the world. Its history began in Florence in 1852. The archives contains more than 5 million photographic documents
    25 January 2021 - Capitolo italiano di Creative Commons
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