PeaceLink English


2 Articles
  • No to ECOWAS intervention in Niger
    Open letter by PeaceLink

    No to ECOWAS intervention in Niger

    An armed intervention in Niger would be illegal under international law. Niger has not attacked any state and the coup d'état is an internal affair within the country. Under the UN Charter, Member States must refrain from the use or threat of force.
    7 August 2023 - PeaceLink
  • The contribution of PeaceLink to Italian media activism
    The first eco-peace network born in Italy in 1991

    The contribution of PeaceLink to Italian media activism

    PeaceLink has used media as a strategic tool to reach a wider audience, create awareness, promote active participation, and encourage social change. It has advocated for responsible media and technology use to promote peace and human rights, giving a voice to social movements.
    20 June 2023 - Alessandro Marescotti
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