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  • A life dedicated to social justice: Adele Corradi and the legacy of don Lorenzo Milani

    A life dedicated to social justice: Adele Corradi and the legacy of don Lorenzo Milani

    The School of Barbiana, founded by don Lorenzo Milani, was a radical experiment in education that challenged traditional teaching methods and promoted critical thinking and social awareness. Corradi's arrival at Barbiana in the 1960s marked a turning point in the school's history.
    25 November 2024 - PeaceLink staff
  • Peace mobilization in Italy today
    The Italian Pacifist Bulletin

    Peace mobilization in Italy today

    Today, October 26, peace demonstrations are taking place throughout Italy. Peace is under attack. Last night, there was an Israeli attack on Iran.
    26 October 2024 - PeaceLink staff
  • Call to pacifists for mobilization against new euromissiles
    It is everyone's responsibility to take a stand and demand reasonableness

    Call to pacifists for mobilization against new euromissiles

    With this appeal we launch a worried alarm because the choice to return to deploying long-banned euromissiles is of absolute gravity. Public opinion has not sufficiently perceived the danger that looms. Let's make our voices heard before the new euromissiles are installed.
    5 August 2024 - Domenico Gallo, Fiorella Mannoia, Alessandro Marescotti, mons. Giovanni Ricchiuti, Carlo Rovelli, Alex Zanotelli
  • Big Tech seeks to consolidate its hold on journalism
    On the sidelines of the acclaimed Perugia festival

    Big Tech seeks to consolidate its hold on journalism

    "Can Journalism Survive AI?" was the provocative title of one of the key presentations at the recent International Journalism Festival in Perugia (#ijf24, April 17-21). Young activists from a local social center, "Turba", say no, it cannot.
    2 May 2024 - Patrick Boylan
  • In order for Assange to be truly free, we need to free investigative journalism
    What price freedom?

    In order for Assange to be truly free, we need to free investigative journalism

    Some thoughts on the occasion of the 2024 Festival of Journalism in Perugia (17-21 April), where Julian Assange’s name is inexplicably absent from the official programs.
    11 April 2024 - Patrick Boylan
  • A "suggestion" for peace

    A "suggestion" for peace

    It is certain that the language and practice of war can only further poison the Palestinian issue, inflame identity conflicts into ever more explosive forms, fuel fundamentalisms, and make the spiral of hatred and revenge endless.
    24 October 2023 - Luigi Ferrajoli (Italian law expert)
  • Our tribute to Angelo Baracca
    Speech at the commemoration at the University of Florence where he was a Physics Professor

    Our tribute to Angelo Baracca

    His commitment to peace and his opposition to both military and civilian nuclear power led him to be active in the movements for nuclear disarmament. He demonstrated that the value of science can and should be used for the benefit of humanity, not for its destruction.
    24 October 2023 - Alessandro Marescotti (PeaceLink)
  • Internationalist demonstration against NATO's nuclear exercise
    Steadfast Noon 2023

    Internationalist demonstration against NATO's nuclear exercise

    The demonstration was with thousands of participants coming from various parts of Italy. Thirteen peace committees from Puglia expressed their opposition to the nuclear military exercise. Additionally, Pax Christi conveyed its disapproval through the words of its president.
    22 October 2023 - PeaceLink staff
  • Peace in Palestine now
    Pacifist action

    Peace in Palestine now

    We call for the prompt intervention of the international community and the UN for an immediate 'ceasefire' and to facilitate a definitive and shared solution to the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • Perugia debates granting political refugee status to Julian Assange
    A gesture that is anything but "symbolic"

    Perugia debates granting political refugee status to Julian Assange

    The Umbrian capital and host of the International Journalism Festival discussed on Tuesday whether to grant journalist/editor Julian Assange, who is still arbitrarily imprisoned in the United Kingdom, political refugee status.
    30 September 2023 - Perugia for Assange
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