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28 marzo 2003

troppi incidenti a Baghdad

51 morti civile in un mercato a Baghdad , i media USA parlano di incidente, la BBC, non entrandoci gl iinglesi , dice che "sono creduti essere satti uccisi"
Autore: Aniello Margiotta
Fonte: 28.03.2003 - Ansa, CNN, NY times, BBC

BAGHDAD - Cinquantuno morti e 49 feriti: e' il bilancio di un bombardamento avvenuto qualche ora fa su un mercato popolare nella zona di al Nasr, nella parte occidentale di Baghdad.
Lo ha detto, mostrando cadaveri di uomini e bambini, l'emittente tv qatariota al Jazira.
Nuovi bombardamenti sulla capitale si sono abbattuti intorno alle 22:00 italiane (mezzanotte in Iraq). Testimoni hanno riferito che tre esplosioni si sono udite provenire dalla periferia della citta'.

New York Times
Casualties Reported After Large Explosions in Baghdad

Filed at 2:56 p.m. ET

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Thunderous explosions rocked Baghdad on Friday in some of the most powerful bombardments of the Iraqi capital in days. One missile struck a market in western Baghdad on Friday afternoon, killing more than 50 people, news reports said.

Qatar-based Al-Jazeera said 55 civilians were killed Friday at the market in a residential neighborhood. Al Arabiya television said at least 52 people died. Footage showed the injured, many of them children, lying in hospital beds with their faces and heads wrapped in bandages.

CNN ( dentro un lungo report sulle accuse di Rumsfeld alla Siria)
Civilian casualties reported in Baghdad
Also Friday, Baghdad residents told Arabic television networks the U.S.-led coalition bombed the Baghdad neighborhood of Al Shula, killing more than 50 civilians.

Dr. Hakki Ismail Marzooki, general manager of Al Noor Hospital, said that around 6 p.m. an attack hit Al Shula, a busy neighborhood and marketplace he said had no military targets.

'Many dead' in Baghdad attack

Reports say many of the casualties were children
At least 50 civilians are believed to have been killed during an air raid on a Baghdad market, Iraqi authorities say.
Graphic television pictures showed people scrabbling through rubble to reach the dead and injured amid the wreckage in the Shula residential area of the city.

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