Forum: Segnalazioni
Bush, dopo la guerra, si consegnera' al tribunale internazionale?
Bush: i criminali di guerra che stanno facendo soffrire il popolo irakeno saranno giudicati severamente (speriamo dalla corte internazionale)
Fonte: 29.03.2003 - CNN
Bush: Iraqi war criminals to be 'hunted relentlessly'
'Complete victory' cited as goal
Friday, March 28, 2003 Posted: 4:11 PM EST (2111 GMT)
President Bush: "Against this enemy, we will accept no outcome except complete victory."
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, accusing Saddam Hussein's regime of committing scores of atrocities against the Iraqi people and prisoners of war, said those responsible will be "hunted relentless and judged severely."
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