Forum: Segnalazioni
gli irakeni non hanno studiato i manuali militari
Attack May Signal the Future Use of Guerrilla Tactics
WITH THE THIRD INFANTRY, Central Iraq, Saturday, March 29 — A Iraqi suicide bomber killed four U.S. soldiers today by luring them to his taxi cab at a checkpoint north of Najaf and then detonating an explosive, an army spokesman in the region said.
The attack occurred north of Najaf on a road west of the Euphrates River. The victims were all members of the division's First Brigade, which has been involved in significant fighting around the city since last weekend.
Capt. Andrew J. Valles, the civil affairs officer for the First Brigade, said the attack occurred just after noon when the taxi pulled up to the checkpoint and called to the soldiers, who approached the car cautiously in a security drill that put two of them in front of the car and three on the side.
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