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Forum: Segnalazioni

1 aprile 2003

vitime civili delle paranoie USA

la notizia dei 4000 kamikaze, procura le prime vittime civili tra gli irakeni
Autore: Aniello Margiotta
Fonte: 01.04.2003 - Reuters

US Troops Fire at Civilians in Iraq, Baghdad Pounded
Tue April 1, 2003 01:52 AM ET

By Nadim Ladki
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Marines killed an unarmed Iraqi at a checkpoint south of Baghdad on Tuesday, just hours after seven women and children died in a similar shooting, providing new fuel for Arab fury over the war.

Marines said they opened fire on a pickup truck that sped toward them at a checkpoint outside the southern town of Shatra, killing the driver and wounding his passenger.

The truck was not loaded and neither of the men was armed, Marines told Reuters correspondent Sean Maguire at the scene.

"I thought it was a suicide bomb," said one of the Marines who opened fire. Troops have been on edge after a checkpoint suicide car bomb attack on Saturday killed four U.S. soldiers.

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