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Forum: Segnalazioni

2 aprile 2003

laprova che il missile sul mercto a Bagdad era made in USA

l'inviato del giornale inglese Independent ha scoperto una scheggia del missile che ha fatto una strage nel mercato di Bagdad e' fa piazza pulita di tutte le illazioni su un presunto missile della contraerea irakena
Autore: Aniello Margiotta
Fonte: 02.04.2003 - Independent

The proof: marketplace deaths were caused by a US missile
By Cahal Milmo
02 April 2003

An American missile, identified from the remains of its serial number, was pinpointed yesterday as the cause of the explosion at a Baghdad market on Friday night that killed at least 62 Iraqis.

The codes on the foot-long shrapnel shard, seen by the Independent correspondent Robert Fisk at the scene of the bombing in the Shu'ale district, came from a weapon manufactured in Texas by Ray- theon, the world's biggest producer of "smart" armaments.

The identification of the missile as American is an embarrassing blow to Washington and London as they try to match their promises of minimal civilian casualties with the reality of precision bombing.

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