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Forum: Segnalazioni

2 aprile 2003

donna impiccata davvero?

donna impiccata perchè salutava i liberatori (esempio di cattiveria irakena). Ma da dove nasce la notizia? cerchiamo di approfondire....
Autore: andrea
Fonte: 02.04.2003 - da bush a porta a porta

in tanti riportano la notizia ma io non ho trovato la fonte, questo testo pero' conferma i miei dubbi...

Even on the question of Saddam's terror, however, the coalition's PR campaign sounds less than convincing. In his address, Bush claimed that 'an Iraqi woman was hanged for waving at coalition troops' - a claim that has since done the rounds in the international media. But the case of the hanged Iraqi woman seems to raise more questions than answers.

In some reports, American troops saw the Basra woman 'waving a white flag to warn
them of danger, and that woman was later found hanged'. In other reports, the woman had simply 'waved hello' to US troops in order to 'greet them' into Basra. Some reports claim that the woman had waved a white flag in order to get out of Basra. Others claim that it was British troops, not American troops, who saw the woman waving at them, and that the British later found her hanging from a light post. A British Lieutenant claims that a teenage girl waved at his troops, and was found hanged, not the following day, but 'within the hour'.

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