Forum: Segnalazioni
Anti-American Sentiment Grows Over War in Iraq
Sun April 6, 2003 05:49 AM ET
By Erik Kirschbaum
BERLIN (Reuters) - They were seen as the "good cops" who saved West Berlin, defended Western Europe during the Cold War and put an end to the bloodshed in the Balkans -- but the Iraq war has left that image of the United States in shreds.
The erstwhile defenders of freedom and democracy are now more likely to be viewed by their allies around the world as war-mongering imperialists, "bad cops" and "bullies" who lost their way by brushing aside the United Nations and attacking Iraq.
Mosca, 12:37
Iraq, portavoce Putin conferma attacco a convoglio
Il portavoce del presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha confermato la notizia pubblicata dalla agenzia Interfax (leggi qui) di un attacco al convoglio diplomatico che stava portando l'ambasciatore russo fuori dalla capitale irachena. Il convoglio è stato attaccato sulla strada da Baghdad alla Siria. (red)
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