
Per gli amici della dottoressa Chiara Castellani e di Kimbau

Piratata l'e-mail di Chiara Castellani. E-mail message isn't true! Chiara Castellani hasn't written "Sad News"!

L'email chiarakenge (su è stata piratata e da lì è partito un messaggio in inglese di aiuto falso (con oggetto: "Sad News"). Invitiamo tutti a fare riferimento unicamente al sito per le richieste di aiuto della dottoressa Chiara Castellani.
22 febbraio 2010

Attenzione: è stato diffuso per posta elettronica un messaggio con oggetto SAD NEWS.
E' stato inviato APPARENTEMENTE da Chiara Castellani (da chiarakenge tramite ma è un messaggio FALSO.
La dottoressa Chiara Castellani al computer

E' un messaggio piratato.
E-mail message isn't true! Chiara Castellani hasn't written "Sad News"!

Attenzione: nel messaggio ("about my urgent trip to London") si fa riferimento a richieste di aiuto economico che Chiara Castellani non ha richiesto.

Non diffondetelo! Se conoscete qualcuno avvertitelo!

Per tutte le informazioni su richieste di aiuto fate riferimento UNICAMENTE al sito

Alessandro Marescotti

Note: Questo è il messaggio FALSO.

Am sorry i didn't inform you about my urgent trip to London, i don't have much time on the PC here,so i have to brief you my present situation which requires your urgent response actually, I had a trip to London but unfortunately for me all my money got stolen at the hotel where i lodged due to a robbery incident that happened in the hotel.I had been so restless since last night because i have been without any money moreover the Hotel's telephone lines here got disconnected by the robbers and they are trying to get them fixed back i have access to only emails at the library because my mobile cant work here so i didn't bring it along,please i want you to help me with money so please can you send me 850 Pounds or any amount you can afford so when i return back i would refund it back to you as soon as i get home,Am so confused right now and don't know what to do, I had been to the embassy and they are currently looking into my case,Please send the money through Western Union Money Transfer so i will get it immediately its sent,i want you to please transfer the money as soon as possible.Here is the details you need for the transfer below,

Receivers Names:Chiara Castellani
Receivers Address: 328 Mile End Road
City- London
Country- UK
Zip Code- E1 4NS

Please get back to me as soon as you have the money sent,once you are done with the transfer just help me to scan a copy of the receipt given to you by Western Union or help me to write out the Money Transfer Control Number(MTCN)

I will be waiting for your help. Thank you so much
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