June 24, 2005 Jubilee

South, a network of debt campaigns, movements and
people’s organization from
Africa, Latin America and
Caribbean and Asia and the Pacific, expresses its
support and solidarity to our sisters and brothers in
SDEBITARSI who are holding a protest action against
the G8 Debt Proposal in front of the Italian
Parliament on
24 June 2005. We gain strength and
inspiration from standing united in opposing the G8’s
brand of debt cancellation, which remains clearly tied
to compliance with conditionalities. These are the
same conditionalities that have allowed the domination
of the South by international financial institutions
and North governments, opened peoples and resources to
plunder and exacerbated poverty and deprivation. The
G8’s proposal simply reaffirms the drive to push
poverty-inducing and debt-cr! eating policies in the
South. Jubilee South stands firm in its position that
no less than the unconditional cancellation of all
debts claimed from all South countries will liberate
the peoples of the South from debt domination.
Together, let us put forward the calls of Jubilee
South to step up the pressure and demand that leaders
of the world’s richest and most powerful nations take
immediate and decisive steps towards: o The
unconditional cancellation of all debts claimed from
all South countries;o The end to the imposition
of policies on the South using loans, aid, debt relief
and debt cancellation programs, other economic
leverages, political pressure, military aggressiono
Restitution and reparations for slavery and
colonization, the plunder of our wealth and natural
resources, exploitation of our labor, the human,
social and ecological destruction in the South caused
by their economic activities, military operations andwars.
In Solidarity, LIDY B. NACPILInternational
CoordinatorJubilee South __